-The establishment of KP FMCs as part of program implementation has played a pivotal role in affirming the importance of the voices of the KPs and ensuring the delivery of quality and impartial services for all. -KP representatives expressed sincere appreciation for these meetings, particularly highlighting the involvement of the ZRP-VFU. The presence of the VFU reassured KPs of their safety and conveyed the message that a committee was formed with their best interest in mind, leading them to feel valued and appreciated -Remarkably, some initially skeptical KPs have now reportedly expressed willingness to access services due to the positive impact of the KP FMCs
Main objective
To improve access to HIV prevention, care and treatment services for key population groups in 20 districts in Zimbabwe
Scope of work
The purpose of this project is to address identified gaps in KP HIV care and treatment and work towards epidemic control in Zimbabwe under the Zimbabwe Partnership to Accelerate AIDS Control (ZimPAAC) consortium, through direct support and establishment of sustainable and collaborative relationships with MOHCC and others
Target population
Key Populations in :
- diversity: Female sex workers(FSW)
- Men who have sex with men (MSM)
- Transgender (TG)
- People who inject drugs (PWID)