Wild4life Health focuses on establishing the basic building blocks of a health system. Working closely with the government, we identify and fill the gaps in local health care facilities. The result is to build an efficient and resilient health care systems for the underserved populations.
Main Objectives
To provide high quality healthcare services to people where they live
Scope of work
The Wild4Life model is a comprehensive, integrated set of five core facility- and community-based interventions that address health system weaknesses and inequalities in rural communities—the hardest-to-reach and most vulnerable populations. We identify and coordinate low-cost interventions with high returns on investment to achieve durable health outcomes.
- Train and mentor health Care providers
Frontline health workers are the backbone of the rural health system in African countries. We ensure they are equipped to deliver high quality care with the ability to treat all conditions in their communities. We provide on-the-job mentorship to health care workers in their workstations to make sure they adapt their skills to the environment they work in.
- Revitalize health systems
Functional clinics are the foundation for delivering effective healthcare in rural areas. We identify the parts of the system that are missing or broken and help fix them, ranging from pharmaceuticals to lab diagnostics. Training and mentoring healthcare workers and village health workers help build the skills and confidence to accurately diagnose and treat patients, resulting in improved quality care. Accurate diagnosis and treatment translates into fewer repeat visits for the same symptoms, lessening the burden on the health system.
- Promote increased utilization of health care services
We work with various groups to stimulate demand for health care services. Village health care workers, care givers, Health Centre committees are at the Centre for promoting facility utilization. Once people trust begin to trust the system, demand for services increases, cases are identified faster, and people get the treatment they need. We bring people into the system through advocacy health education and integrated outreach programs.
Target Population
- People living with HIV
- Children living with HIV
- Adolescents and Young People
Geographical Areas
- Lupane
- Binga
- Hwange